Joy Message The Joy Space- Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset. New Joyshots- short inoculations of love, either a meditation or self-hypnosis tutorial posted every week. SvensonHypnosis YouTube Channel enjoy free hypnosis meditations, joyshots, and Joyshops, along with testimonials
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Let go of focusing on what you have no control over and live your life instead. You'll feel better, have more energy, and take more inspired actions." The Joy Energy

I have literally made myself sick in the past stressing over things I have no control over, resulting in gut-wrenching pain, tension headaches, and being sick to my stomach. I didn't solve anything, it usually led to sleepless nights, low motivation unproductive days, and made me feel unbalanced and fearful.
In my practice, I have seen clients with loving hearts and good intentions, have worries over issues and concerns they have no control over rob them of their joy, blind them to their blessings, and leave them feeling drained and scared. A compromised state for optimum mental and physical health.
I get now I don't do myself or anyway any favors by fixating on problems I have no control over. I still go there off and on but now I catch myself sooner and use my tools, like self-hypnosis, to let it go.
It is so much better to feel good, have energy, and focus on living my life. From that centered beautiful state, I am able to support and give in ways that can make a positive difference in my life and others.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
The Joy Space- Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset. New Joyshots- short inoculations of love, either a meditation or self-hypnosis tutorial posted every week.
Or go direct to my website and learn more about me, and or purchase a session or package