Listen to this week's Joyshot-Let Go of feelings of guilt, shame, and "Not good enough' and feel accepted and loved
Sept. 1st, Free 30-minute Master Class - Why feelings of guilt, shame, and "Not good enough" can cause depression and turmoil. Then experience one of the most powerful tools for transformation today, hypnosis, to let go of guilt, shame, and "Not good enough."
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Feelings of guilt, shame, and not good enough don't serve you. Remember you're human, still figuring things out and finding your way. Know you are completely loved and accepted by The Benevolent and Loving Universe/God/Higher Power and are perfectly imperfect."
The Joy Energy

Being human I have made lots of mistakes along the way.
When I get critical and down on myself it leads me to down feelings like depression and sadness.
And then before I know it I am critically judging others or conditions. That can feel slightly better, but that's not who I want to be.
It works out so much better to encourage myself forward by celebrating my evolution and successes.
From a place of well-being, I see others through loving eyes and I'm a kinder more loving soul.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Be supported, listen to this Week's Joyshot
Let go of the guilt, shame and not good enough mentality

Free Master Class
Thursday, Sept. 1st, 2022 @ 2 pm MT, details on how to join will come in next Wednesday's Newsletter
Why feelings of Guilt, Shame, and "Not Good Enough" can cause depression and turmoil Then experience one of the most powerful tools for transformation today, hypnosis, to let go of guilt, shame, and "Not good enough." Plus, learn about my upcoming 6-Week course, Joyful Abundance

Upcoming Joyful Abundance Course
Get Happier And Create A Better Life

Put the foundational pieces in place to get happier and improve all areas of your life.
Listen to Francine's successes
She knew she needed to let go but didn't know how. Francine shares that the Foundational Hypnosis recordings and weekly Joyshops in the Course were key in her release and for the positive changes that followed.
What is covered in this 6-Week Course
- In weeks 1 and 2 the focus is on releasing past
mental junk and soaking up key foundational principles so you can improve every area of your life
- In weeks 3 and 4 the focus is on mindfully
living in the present, and enjoying the journey along the way.
- In weeks 5 and 6 the focus is on creating an
abundant joyful future with new desired realities
Listen to some of Joanne's successes
Joanne has taken the Joyful Abundance Course three times, and keeps getting bigger and bigger results.
She got out of major debt, started to put herself out there big time for her business, got money and help in really big ways to grow her business, from getting private coaching and VA help, and training gifted to her, along with several unexpected large substantial cash infusions.