Joy Message- "Being positive doesn't mean ignoring possible obstacles. Anticipating problems and giving your attention to ...
- The Joy Space- Free private FB group to nurture your positive mindset
- The Joy Shot- Little inoculations of love. How self-hypnosis can pause your reptilian brain ...
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Being positive doesn't mean ignoring possible obstacles. Anticipating problems and giving your attention to solutions can set you up for more success. And it can be part of the fun." The Joy Energy

When I was pregnant with my first child, I declared the birth would be easy and I would just plop her out with no discomfort.
This was based on no experience.
I had been told plenty of horror stories from others to expect the worst.
But I had read a book where a handful of women shared their positive experiences of just relaxing into the birth and I was determined this would be mine.
Somehow I thought my positive borrowed feelings from them would ride me smoothly through it.
And while the first part of the labor went relatively well with mild discomfort, I was shocked when the transition stage of labor came.
The pain was unlike anything I had experienced. I fell apart and the pain came on hard.
My bravado of positive expectations wasn't founded on any deep belief or real experiences of facing intense pain. So when the intensity came on my positive expectations evaporated.
I didn't know.
With my second labor, I knew more of what to expect and had better prepared myself to have a more comfortable experience by practicing breathe work.
During the pregnancy when any discomfort came up in my body, I practiced my breathing so I wouldn't tense against the pain but breathe through it instead. I had some real successes.
I ended up having a way more comfortable and easy birth than the first one. And I learned techniques using my breath that could help me when I came up against mental and physical discomfort.
In the U.S. the majority of us are told childbirth will be painful and for most women that is their underlying expectation and most women's experience.
Since becoming a hypnotist I have met a handful of women in the U.S. who shared how they went to a hypnotist and learned hypnobirthing and had a comfortable birth.
I love these women recognized they might have pain, and took action to prepare themselves for a better chance of success.
Years later as a hypnotist I have worked with a lot of clients to prepave their way for pain relief from post-surgery, dentistry, and medical conditions, and I share a couple of their stories if you scroll below in this email.
How can you pre-pave the way for better success?
One client was frustrated because she felt she wasted time binging on junk programs. And even though she would psych herself up not to, she found often in her free time, she would fall into it.
She decided to take the TV out of her living room so she wouldn't have easy access to it. The result was she didn't watch as much. And then in hypnosis, we worked on underlying beliefs so that she wouldn't want to binge-watch TV.
Another client who was a binge eater found if her husband went shopping for their groceries and only bought healthy foods, this helped her out a lot. Eventually, with our work in hypnosis together, she no longer wanted to binge eat even when there was junk food around.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."

The Joyshot- Be sure to get your inoculation of love, short 5-12 minute videos to improve your life
Each week I post a Joy Shot in the free private FB group The Joy Space and on my YouTube Channel, SvensonHypnosis
This week's latest Joy Shot- How self-hypnosis can pause your reptilian brain
Mastery of Joy Packages
Fast-Forward Your Transformation with One Of The Most Potent Methods AvailableTo Humanity, Hypnosis
3, 6, and 12-month Options
- Mental Well-Being - Health Improvement & Pain Issues - Habits & Addictions - Body Image, Self-Care & Love - Positive Mindset For Your Child & Teen - Prosperity, Success, Goals & Dreams
Marlene experienced post-surgery differently from most, she credits our hypnosis work together and the post-surgery hypnosis recording I made for her that she listened to
" ... The X-ray showed that two of my spinal discs were actually missing ... I was told I needed spinal surgery, spinal fusion with a bone graft ...
... Coming out of the anesthesia I was aware of thirst but figured I would get some water once I went back to the hospital room itself. The nurses seemed to be under a fair amount of “hurry stress.”
One of them said to me, “I’m going as quick as I can to get you some pain relief. It will just be a moment.” I was puzzled. “What?” “Just one second, Honey, I’m on it.” “On what?” “On your shot, Honey. I know how bad it hurts.” “Um, what?” “This surgery, Honey.” She said, “I’ve seen a lot of them, and I know what it’s like. It’ll just be a second, now.” “I’m fine.” That brought a total gaping stare. “You’re fine? Fine???”
“Yes, I’m fine.” Since that seemed incredible to her, I told her about the hypnosis. She seemed shocked and offered me the narcotics two more times before leaving, muttering something about, “I never thought I’d see it. Something new for my career!” ... I was not in pain. Not one bit! No one at home believed me either. If I ever have to have major surgery again, Sharon will be the first person I call after my husband..."
Marlene Partridge
Dan didn't realize how so much more was possible as the pain started to back off
"I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis ... and have been on many different medications over the years. I tried diets and herbs over the years as well as acupuncture. Nothing was giving me relief except the medication that left me with stomach problems and a drugged feeling.
Hypnosis changed my life in a number of ways. My objective was to help relieve pain I was having in my spine. I started to see results after my first visit. As I continued the results grew stronger and stronger. The first thing I noted I was not thinking about the pain so much.
These were the building blocks I needed to progress away from an ‘incurable illness’. Eventually, I was able to quit taking most of the drugs we thought I had to take to control the disease, as well as quit the painkillers. Being off the medications is a huge leap forward, having energy is priceless. Now I am back to work for the first time in years doing what I thought I would never be able to do again ... "
Dan Wilson