Listen to this week's Joyshot-Let Go of feelings of guilt, shame, and "Not enough and feel accepted, worthy, and loved
Sept. 1st, Free 30-minute Master Class - You will release feelings of guilt, shame, and not being enough in hypnosis; learn a simple tool to keep releasing, and in the last five minutes learn about my upcoming 6-week course and the opportunity to purchase it at an early bird price
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"It is a benevolent loving Universe/God that says "Yes " to your well-being and desires. Be open to receiving what you give or want for others. You count, and your happiness counts."
The Joy Energy

One client thought she wasn't allowed to receive, that it was her job to take care of and make others happy.
She often derived pleasure from serving others but wasn't factoring in her energy levels or want she wanted to do and not do.
For example at family gatherings, she often felt tired and stressed because she thought she had to be the perfect hostess and do and provide everything.
When she started to ask her family to chip in and help they were glad too.
It was a breath of fresh air to know she counted, that it was alright for her to want and receive.
It opened the door for other family members to hold family gatherings and help her out in many more ways in the ensuing years.
It turned out to be a win-win for everybody.
As she realized she counted, and that it was OK to want, she opened up to having her dreams fulfilled. For instance, she and her husband bought an RV and traveled around the country.
I think of another client who wanted to save everybody, and was exhausted, bitter and anxious, from fighting so many causes and trying to right the wrongs of the world.
She had a big heart and wanted everyone to be happy, thrive, feel accepted and loved, and have their needs provided for.
But yet she wasn't allowing herself to have what she wanted for others.
She felt too guilty to be happy when others weren't, shame about her own privilege and blessings, and inadequate, alone, and not enough from the incredible pressure she put on herself to fix all the wrongs of the world.
In this state of deprivation, she was becoming more critical of her fellow humans and pessimistic about the future. She had lots of bouts of depression, anxiety, and sadness.
In hypnosis sessions, it was a big relief for her to let go of guilt, shame, and not being enough and to allow herself to receive the good things she wanted for others.
As she did health issues, like migraines and digestive issues, disappeared. Mental health issues dramatically softened or disappeared and she learned tools in sessions to turn her moods around.
As she became happier she found herself being kinder and more loving to her fellow humans. A constant unsafe buzzing feeling went away. She had more energy. Many commented to her she was spreading joy and optimism to them and helped them be more empowered.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Come join me tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 1st, for some nurturing and relief from guilt, shame, or "Not enough" or sign-up to get the replay
Free 30-minute Master Class Release feelings of guilt, shame, and "Not being enough"
If you can't make it live sign-up anyway so you can get the free replay to listen at your convenience
Thursday, Sept. 1st, 2022
1 pm PT, 2 pm MT, 3 pm CT, 4 pm ESIn this free 30-minute Master Class
Learn why feelings of Guilt, Shame, and "Not Good Enough" can harm your mental health and wreak havoc in your life.
- Experience one of the most powerful tools for transformation today, and be led into hypnosis meditation, to let go of guilt, shame, and "Not good enough" by remembering your wisdom and focusing on your blessings instead.
Get details about my upcoming 6-Week course, Joyful Abundance, to release the mental junk and limiting beliefs, enjoy the now, and consciously create a happier life enjoying accomplishing goals and creating your dreams. And those that attend live or listen to the replay within a few days can get the early bird price.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
This Week's Joyshot
Release Your Mental Junk That Crowds out
Your Joy

Photo by Kari Greer @
Upcoming Joyful Abundance Course
Get Happier And Create A Better Life

Put the foundational pieces in place to get happier and improve all areas of your life.
Listen to Francine's successes
She knew she needed to let go but didn't know how. Francine shares that the Foundational Hypnosis recordings and weekly Joyshops in the Course were key in her release and for the positive changes that followed.
What is covered in this 6-Week Course
- In weeks 1 and 2 the focus is on releasing past
mental junk and soaking up key foundational principles so you can improve every area of your life
- In weeks 3 and 4 the focus is on mindfully
living in the present, and enjoying the journey along the way.
- In weeks 5 and 6 the focus is on creating an
abundant joyful future with new desired realities
Listen to some of Joanne's successes
Joanne has taken the Joyful Abundance Course three times, and keeps getting bigger and bigger results.
She got out of major debt, started to put herself out there big time for her business, got money and help in really big ways to grow her business, from getting private coaching and VA help, and training gifted to her, along with several unexpected large substantial cash infusions.