Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Create new realities by trying out new thoughts. Play around with replacing uncomfortable thoughts with ones that make you feel good. It will feel good, make your life work better, and lead to future happiness."
The Joy Energy

I get caught up in patterns of thought and sometimes don't realize I'm going to the dark side until the bad mood has taken hold.
Yesterday I was working on my taxes. And by the afternoon I was feeling short-tempered and grumpy.
As I took a pause, I realized old patterns of habit had popped up.
I was too far gone at that point to turn things around. So I just loved myself anyway, and distracted myself with a good book and then later a meditation. I went to sleep feeling good.
The next day I continued doing my taxes but with the intent to enjoy my day as well as get things done.
When I started to go to thoughts of complaining, that morning, I reminded myself that feeling like a victim wouldn't serve me, no matter how justified I thought I was. I remembered feeling good works better and reminded myself feeling good feels good.
I then refocused on a few of my many blessings and quickly was feeling clear-minded and centered.
I took short joyful breaks, practicing poi, and playing with my dog, whenever I felt my energy dip. I ended up having a very enjoyable day that felt productive.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Latest Joyshot- Winter Blahs? Bring in some zest and playfulness,10-minute Hypnosis Meditation

Did you know I have A Mastery Of Joy, Love Your Body, Love Yourself Package?
Isn't it time you spent some money and time on your well-being and happiness?
Payback will be priceless with joyful ripple effects in all areas of your life and loved ones

This Package is designed for you if you want to
- Feel comfortable in your body and good about yourself
Experience a healthy relationship with food and a loving relationship with your body
- Make mindful choices that truly satisfy, nurture and bless your life
- Pull up emotional roots that contribute to bad habits like binging, overspending, cravings, and or drinking too much
- Release the stress, anxieties, and beliefs that weigh you down and trigger negative habits and feelings like shame, guilt, and not being good enough
Live your life, accessing and acting on your wisdom, following your inner guidance, and living more freely and fully
Testimonial for Mastery of Joy Love Your Body, Love Yourself Package
"... I am so grateful that ... I continue to feel a positive shifting at my core and a release from self-judgment: ... behaviors I judged myself about are releasing ... like eating junk food, mindlessly watching TV, or procrastinating on projects, ...
I am doing things instead that feel good, like ... taking a sculpture class that I am totally loving, exploring my city, going on joyful adventures with my son, taking a mini-vacation with my husband ... I have more energy ... doing what really feels good...
I feel more loved and beautiful, regardless of others' opinions... "
Lynda Modaff
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