Hello Beautiful Souls,

My free gift to you, Go Deep With Sleep, a hypnosis meditation. 

It is one of the foundational hypnosis recordings my Mastery of Joy clients get to support them in profound changes.

Over the years I've gotten quite a few emails thanking me for this gift and describing the relief this recording has brought them.

Some have written that with consistent listening they established a new habit of falling right to sleep, others sharing they no longer had to take their sleep medications anymore. Like Elizabeth who said she had been taking sleep medications to get to sleep.

"Sharon’s Insomnia CD has helped me to relax, go to sleep, and wake in the morning with a happy anticipation for the day. Thank You."   Elizabeth McInally

Feel free to pass on this hypnosis recording to a friend or loved one, for some this might be the answer they have been looking for. 

I feel for those that struggle with insomnia.

I've been there and had periods of sleepless nights. When sleep deprived I am not at my best and more likely to catch the latest bug going around.

Sleep is key for our mental and physical health and key in our ability to function at our best and enjoy our life. 

My Dad relied on sleep medications most of his adult years, but in his later years, they no longer put him to sleep. He tried new sleep medications but found them either ineffectual, only worked for short periods, or the side effects outweighed the benefits.

He was always looking for a new medication or some alternative solution, desperate for relief. I wish I had this to offer him back then.

I hope this recording blesses you or a loved one.

Blessings and love,


Go Deep With Sleep Hypnosis Recording

June Specials - Introductory Sessions & Mastery of Joy Packages

Online Money Abundance Mindset Joyshop, July 28th


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America