Hello, Beautiful, Sharon
"If you don't have the solution, or answer imagine it will come. Then appreciate a feeling of all is well as if it's already worked out. " The Joy Energy
I remember wanting evidence, or at least a plausible scenario of how a problem would be solved, or a likely possibility from my perspective before I would relax and feel good.
Now I get, by stressing and worrying I close down my mind to possibilities and create more suffering for myself.
When I go to thoughts of imagining it will work out, even without proof or details of how something will come together, my mind is open to ideas and support, and it usually unfolds in way better ways than I could imagine.
For instance, my car was having issues, and I didn't feel comfortable driving it too far away from home. My husband was counting on me that week to pick up materials that he needed for a job. But the store was in Boise an hour and a half away. It didn't seem wise to take my car so far from home until the issues were sorted out. I decided to imagine it would work out, even though I didn't see how. I went to the feelings I've felt before when things worked out, and I was able to feel at peace.
The next day a friend who just happened to live close to the store in Boise where the materials were said she was coming to Garden Valley the day they'd be gathered and ready and would be glad to pick up and deliver the materials to our house. Ahh, so serendipitous and beautiful.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Mastery of Joy Packages