Svenson Hypnosis Newsletter June 2018

-Tips to feel good

-A free Meditation to let go of old baggage that weighs us down

-Details on Upcoming Free Online Workshop-Learn Self-Hypnosis to melt the stress, fears and anxieties- tomorrow @ 6 pm MT, 8 pm EST

Hello Beautiful Souls,

It is a given, we all want life to go well for us and we want to feel good. When I'm in that place of well-being it feels so right, I describe it as coming home to who you are. To me, that is proof I am guided within to feel good. Doesn't that feel true to you? When you feel good, doesn't that feel so right? I don't always feel good because I'm human and have emotions, but I don't resign myself to staying there.

Many of us have been trained to think staying in emotions like guilt, shame, worry, fear, regret, sadness, are actually helping us to help others or ourselves, and it just isn't true.

Maybe you believe or sometimes believe these misguided beliefs:

What we feel is what we feel and can't be changed

Have you ever offered a soothing thought to another and watched them feel better as they took your softer thought to heart? That is a feeling being changed by a different focus. We offer up lighter thoughts to others all the time but often deny it to ourselves. If a friend or child came to you looking for comfort, you probably wouldn't tell them their feelings were unacceptable, or try and make them feel bad about themselves, but instead do your best to guide them to a lighter feeling place. Just accepting where we're at, can feel lighter, and so much better than judging ourselves. And from there we can move up to lighter feelings. Just remember, feelings are temporary, and you have evidence of that. Remind yourself, this isn't forever, I've felt good before, and I look forward to going there again.

My thoughts indicate something is wrong?

Instead of using our feelings to gather information and use as guidance, like we would for a child or friend, we most likely would ask them to share and then do our best to give relief and comfort by offering a different perspective or sharing information that might make them help feel safer. Often with ourselves, we offer more negative thoughts and attack ourselves, others, or conditions. Because not feeling good feels so wrong we look for reasons for what is wrong. "What is wrong with me?" "Who made me feel this way?" "What conditions are wrong that are causing this?" "Why is this happening?" "What did I do wrong?"When searching for thoughts that give soothing or relief and bring thoughts of optimism would serve us so much better.

Remember feeling bad isn't an ideal state to bring out the best of who you are and takes away from the joy of the now moment. Better questions to ask, "What could I focus on instead that would feel better?" From a better feeling place, we take more inspired action, are more confident, brilliant, creative, a much better state to improve our lives, support those around us, and enjoy the journey along the way.

Keep allowing in better and better thoughts, it is totally worth it,


Below is a meditation to Let Go & Allow- It's about 44 minutes. It is designed to free yourself of the baggage from the past that weighs you down and let go of those misguided beliefs that don't serve you. Listen to it again and again. It feels so good to feel good, I want that for you too. Bring out the best of who you are, so you can serve yourself and others, and enjoy the journey of life.

This Thursday, June 28th, learn the powerful tool of self-hypnosis in a free one-hour online workshop.

Learn Self-Hypnosis-  melt away stress, worries, and fears in seconds

I'd be delighted to have you join me and experience first hand how powerful this simple tool can be

Thursday, June 28th 

 5 pm Pacific Time; 6 pm Mountain Time;7 pm CT; 8 pm EST

Be sure to note your time zone so you can join in at the right time.

Last: One-Hour

Where: Online at Zoom- Scroll to the bottom of this email for
 directions on how to join in.

Ways you can use self-hypnosis as a transformative tool 

-  Before a performance, presentation, or important event to get centered and peaceful

-  To relax & melt stress, fears & anxieties in any situation, like at work, during crises, in daily life 

-  Relieve pain, feel more comfortable, whether it's temporary or ongoing pain, like migraines, chronic pain

-  Get a good night's sleep, use this tool to drop off to sleep, or get back to sleep 

-  Turn on your body's natural healing powers by stopping stress and relaxing the mind and body

-  Overcome a bad habit, develop new ones, with consistent use of self-hypnosis

Past Workshop Participants Praise:


" Literally right after our workshop, ... things just clicked and magically fell into place, I can't describe it ... but it felt so easy...."

Paraphrased from a live testimonial from Cara Mosdale on positive changes that unfolded in a relationship that had felt strained after doing an online workshop.

"... I felt welcomed and loved.  I feel stronger and more able to accept and ... change my negative thinking and emotions..."

 Liz McInally on attending several workshops at a retreat. 

"Thank you, Sharon, for another wonderful workshop!"

 Joanne Sapers

"... Life can be so easy. Life is easy when you let go of the worry, 
fear, and judgments..."

Donna Sevilla
participant of workshops and client.


What to Expect at this One-Hour Workshop:


- In a group, you'll learn or reinforce the tool of self-hypnosis. I will give as much guidance as I can during our time together on things to avoid and tips on how to be successful

-  I will work with some volunteers to demonstrate how to use the tool and apply to specific situations and steer you away from pitfalls

-  I'll answer as many questions applicable to using this powerful simple tool as I can during our time         together.

- We'll end with a short guided group meditation, to reinforce the tool of self-hypnosis 

- Those that attend will receive a recording of the live event.

What if I can't make the Free Workshop this Thursday?

Be on the lookout for other emails for future free online workshops. I plan to offer a free workshop each month on different days and times during 2018 to accommodate different time zones and schedules.

How to join on Zoom For the Free Self-Hypnosis Workshop,
Thursday, June 28th

Starts:  5 pm Pacific Time; 6 pm Mountain Time; 7 pm CT; 8 pm EST
Be sure to note your time zone so you can join in at the right time.

I try to make it as easy as possible to join in, so no need to pre-register. Just go to your email and click on the Zoom link, see below, a few minutes before the event. I will send reminders and the link again the day of the event.

You can access the event by phone or on any device that can connect to the internet.

If you've never used Zoom show up about 10 minutes or so earlier so you can follow the instructions. Most people familiar with Skype or Facebook Messenger find it easy to join. If you're not used to things like Skype or Facebook messenger, give yourself more time to figure things out, try it out the day before, or right now. I'll have the room open to come on to 30 minutes before the event.

When you join, you'll notice you have the option to do Audio and Video, the symbols are found usually in the bottom left-hand side, click them on and pick the option that feels most comfortable to you.

Zoom Link:
Join from:

PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Just click on the link below and if you have Zoom it should take you there. If not, it should give you instructions and help you get set-up.

iPhone one-tap (US Toll):

+14086380968,3887946554# or



    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
    or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

    Meeting ID: 388 794 6554

    International numbers available:



Sharon specializes in helping others find their joy, be their true authentic selves, and live the life they really want.

With her proven system, clients have claimed freedom or relief from insomnia, procrastination, depression, fibromyalgia, inflammation, migraine headaches, pain, panic and anxiety, low self-esteem, freedom from weight issues, bad habits, and so much more. 

Client's focus instead on what they want. They write the book they always wanted to, move forward in their business with confidence and positive actions, do activities they truly love, exercise, learn something new, create healthier relationships, the possibilities are infinite.

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America