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Let Go, By Feeling Good! Join me to: Release, let go, let things flow

Starts in less than an hour, today, Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Find Your Right Time Zone 

9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT, 12 pm EST


Hello Beautiful Sharon,

I invite you to join me for a transformative 22-minute hypnosis meditation session.

During the month of July and August, Sunday's sessions will be all about helping you let go of mental clutter from the past and releasing limiting and destructive beliefs.

Today's session I'll support you in letting go by feeling good.

A simple process that can give you quick relief, and create an allowing state within for you to receive your comfort, support, and answers.

The session is all about you—make sure to find a comfy spot to settle in and get ready to be transported into a state of deep relaxation and release.

"Expect Positive Things Because It Feels Good, And For The Positive Changes It Will Bring."


Enjoy some of the past Calling You To Joy replays @

YouTube Podcast Calling You To Joy

Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America