In This email
Free Hypnosis Recording- Let Go Of Guilt, Shame, & Feeling Unworthy Don't be held back by the past
 Online Money Abundance Mindset Joyshop this Wednesday Establish a healthy relationship with money, August 25th, attend live or listen to the recording
 Garden Valley Joyshop this Wednesday Nurture your positive mindset with other like-minded souls, August 25th @ 6 pm
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
A free hypnosis recording for you.
Feelings like guilt, shame, unworthy, and not good enough, are so destructive to our well-being, and usually lead to unhealthy choices, destructive habits, and the total opposite of what we want.

It can lead to overeating and other negative habits, judgments of others, inability to move forward, not following your dreams, more negative feelings, repeating patterns of thought and actions that are abusive and unhealthy, staying stuck in abusive or unhealthy situations or relationships, and so on.
When we move forward from a place of love it leads to positive choices and a willingness to allow in the support and love we desire.
Below is my gift to you, a free hypnosis meditation. I hope it blesses you.
In joy,
Hypnosis Recording
Release guilt, shame, and feelings of unworthiness
Soak in the beautiful energy of unconditional love

"... When I was on an 11 hour overnight flight, I listened again and again to [Sharon's] ... recordings and felt so good when I arrived at my destination...! " Lynda Modaff
Garden Valley Joyshop
Nurture Your Positive Mindset With Other Like-Minded Souls
This Wednesday, August 25th, 2021, @ 6:00 pm
Click here for more details
"... Coming to Sharon's ... workshops have made my life lighter, healthier, and more peaceful... "Mariann Steen

Online Money Abundance Mindset Joyshop
Establish a healthy mindset around money
This Wednesday, August 25th @ 12 pm MT
Attend live or listen to the recording
Click Here For More Details
I have " ... new clients,... not just clients ... my ideal clients... my business soared ... I'm making more money... " Joanne Sapers
