Hello Beautiful Soul,

Here is the

 Replay from today's Joyshop, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Take the time to give your body and mind this healing restorative gift. More than ever you want your body's immune system to be in top form and your mind clear-minded and creative. One of the most powerful ways I know of to get clear-minded, and boost your health, is to have a healthy mental mindset.

Come out on the other side of the pandemic and any challenge you're facing right now, as a better you- better off, more resilient, healthier, and happier.

Joyshop this Saturday Healthy Mind, Healthy Body 

Attend live and get an entry for a chance to win a 90-minute hypnosis session. Value of $297

8 am PT, 9 am MT, 10 am CT, 11 am EST, 11 am Santiago, Chile, 4 pm London Time

Link to Join Live https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3887946554

Need more support?

I'm here for you. Sessions by phone and Zoom.

Discounted prices for Individual Sessions and Mastery of Joy Packages for the month of July 

Others have dramatically improved their lives, and you can too!

Our world is changing fast. Fears running rampant, lots of uncertainty, so many things out of our control.

This turmoil can intensify our insecurities and highlight our issues.

But good news. Challenging times are ideal times for change, the insecurities, problems, and issues are brought up to the surface, and make things more obvious, and compelling to resolve.

This client is thankful she gifted herself a Mastery of Joy Package

"Sharon Svenson ... helped me make huge shifts in my life.  ... Sharon ... helped make remarkable differences [in]: finances, weight loss, relationships especially with my husband, and loving myself.

... Sharon helped me shift my feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse to hopeful, optimistic and empowered ...
I lost 40 pounds in 7 months. Before losing the weight, I felt hopeless, angry and guilty...  

Truly, Sharon is a great gift ..." Kathy Dempsey


  • When you become my client, I use my intuitive skills to help you tap into your inner guidance.
  • I guide you to higher truths within that awaken your wisdom and bring your knowledge from your life lived
    into your awareness.
  • I teach you tools to use in your daily life to keep you centered and joyful.
  • And I use the most potent tools available to humanity, hypnosis and meditation, to- melt your fears and resistance, tap into your brilliance, healing powers and potential within, and fast forward the positive changes!

Let me support you 

  • Mental Well-Being
  • Health Improvement, Pain Issues
  • Bad Habits & Addictions
  • Weight Loss, Self-Care & Love
  • Success, Goals & Big Dreams

Email to set up a time for a free consultation, and let's talk about how I can support you  svensonhypnosis@gmail.com

Or go to my website and purchase a session or Mastery of Joy 3-Month Package and let's get you started https://svensonhypnosis.coachesconsole.com/products


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America