Hello, Beautiful, Sharon,
"If you've made mistakes, failed yourself and others, welcome to the human race. That is so normal, so human, and how you learn. Meet your mistakes and failures with kindness and love. A beautiful place to move forward from and apply the wisdom you've learned." The Joy Energy
When I focus on my or others' perceived wrongness about my choices, actions, and perspectives, it doesn't work out.
I've ruminated and felt bad about my perceived failures and mistakes. Sometimes instigated by myself, sometimes brought on by others' perceived negative judgments of me.
I've judged myself as lacking, taking myself to task for not being the ideal mother, stepmother, friend, daughter, spouse, hypnotist, business owner, or human being.
Yikes, when I start judging, it turns out ugly. I become the victim of these thoughts and make others a victim who depends on me to act, say, or do what they think is right.
The pressure builds and moving forward feels filled with land mines. My inner guidance gets pushed out of the way, and I am a fertile ground for breeding emotions like doubt, sadness, regret, hopelessness, and anger.
These feelings, in turn, have brought on depressions, anxiety, zapped my energy, and resulted in bad habits, procrastination, and blaming and judging myself and others even more.
Yikes, talk about self-sabotage and things not working out.
I hope, you give yourself the wiggle room to judge yourself less and love yourself more. We're all human, doing our best, given our knowledge and wisdom at the moment.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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