"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
The Loving/Kind/ Supportive God/ Universe calls you, not to harshly judge yourself or others, but calls you to the kind, gentle, and loving thoughts. That is where you'll connect with the Source/God and experience well-being, support, and love."
The Joy Energy

Thoughts that something is wrong with you, that you're not good enough, aren't a path to well-being and thriving.
There are many reasons you might be carrying awful feelings consciously or subconsciously. And they don't have to be logical and make sense.
I list some reasons below that clients have shared over the years that brought feelings of guilt, shame, and not good enough.
And there are probably many reasons you feel, feeling bad about these things is justified and right.
Reasons clients have said they feel guilt, shame, or not enough because they
- had an abortion
had an affair
been cheated on
- had failed relationships, have bad relationships
- got a divorce, never got married, don't have a significant other
- don't have good friends, don't have enough friends, don't have any friends
- didn't do enough, wasn't enough
- lacked willpower, procrastinated, and didn't follow through
- weren't able to help, fix, or save someone
- got sick, are sick, have or had mental health issues
- had a failed business, have a failing business
- were inept, incapable, and or a failure at their job, in relationships, in life
- took the wrong paths, made the wrong choices
- weren't there for someone, weren't there for themselves
- had a crappy childhood, a bad marriage, did poorly in school
- said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing
- didn't make enough money, aren't making enough money
- don't know how to make things work, don't know the answers
- didn't accomplish goals, didn't accomplish enough goals
- had or have financial problems- bankruptcy, losing money, being in debt, not making enough, making poor money choices
- they have weight issues, eating disorders, are too thin, or too fat
had or have addictions and or bad habits that are messing up their lives, and or messed up their lives
- don't have the perfect hallmark life, don't have the perfect relationship, perfect job, or perfect body ...
- have unwanted mental or physical condition/s or labels
- had an accident that led to negative consequences
- made choices that led to devasting results
- aren't able to do something, weren't able to do something
- feel they aren't smart or capable enough
- feel bad about their looks, weight, personality, abilities ...
- have been abused, abused others
- have been fired, fired others
- had more than one marriage
- have multiple fathers or mothers of their kids
- fathered a child out of wedlock
- got pregnant out of wedlock
- dropped out of school
- did things during a war they were ashamed of
- were raped or sexually abused
- felt wrong for thinking differently or being different
- felt wrong for not being liked or loved by another
- felt wrong for being too old, or not being happy enough
- failed school
- were homeless
- did illegal things to survive
- hurt others
- hurt themself
- didn't accomplish a goal
- don't have everything they want
- had and have negative thoughts and feelings
- aren't perfect, make mistakes, are human
The list is endless.
And if feeling bad about yourself and others was effective in improving your life, making you happier, and blessing others, I would be all for it. But it's not.
My knowing is the Benevolent Loving God/Universe calls you to love.
And love feels light, soft, freeing, and joyfully expansive.
The beautiful news is when you release these judgments that lead to guilt, shame, and feeling unworthy, not only will you make better choices and be happier, but you will be more forgiving, compassionate, and loving towards others. And have more to give.
Want more support in letting go and feeling good? October has a bonanza of good things.
Enjoy the hypnosis meditation You Are Enough and this week's YouTube shorts.
Join me online in Calling You To Joy Free Online Love & Support- 11 & 22-minute Hypnosis Meditations, Sundays and Wednesdays, in the month of October. Scroll below for details.
- If you haven't tried a session, sign up for a free one, during the month of October. Limited spots are available.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Click here to check out the latest YouTube Short videos
Hypnosis Meditation-You Are Enough
Release the guilt, shame, and not enough. Set yourself free

Calling You To Joy Free Online Support
Join Me on Zoom on Wednesdays & Sundays for Love & Support
Start Your Day Off With Positive Momentum Every Sunday and Wednesday in the month of October

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- Get Comfy, Relax, Soak Up The Love And Support
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Sunday's Call To Joy 9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT, 12 pm EST
Wednesday's Call To Joy 6 am PT, 7 am MT, 8 am CT, 9 am EST
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Free No-Obligation Session Release Hidden Blocks Get Clarity & Relief

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