Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Become the cooperative component in your well-being right now. Savor a savory smell. Bask in the comfort of a comfortable chair. Totally enjoy a bite of something delicious. Enjoy a deep sigh breath. Then appreciate how good it feels to feel good. Repeat again and again and again to feel good."
The Joy Energy

I love feeling good.
And I know it is the best thing I can do to be the most cooperative component in my life.
I know feeling good is good for my mental and physical health, that it gives me energy, allows me to sleep well, inspires me to act, and allows me to see and take advantage of opportunities.
Feeling good makes me a better partner, and friend to myself and others, and is ideal for receiving the abundance of God/Universe/Source.
But old patterns of worry still crop up and I find myself going along with them by adding more concerns and fears. I'm so human.
Before I know it all I see are problems or concerns.
If I try to redirect to my blessings the trajectory of my worried thoughts bowl over all the positive ones and they don't stand a chance.
If I simplify things and just start to notice things, like how the warmth of my coffee feels so good in my throat, or how comfortable my bed feels this morning totally supporting my whole body, or how good it feels to take deep breaths in and out and the softness it brings to my mind and body, then my concerns and problems melt away.
From this softer lighter state, I find I can access more thoughts of appreciation.
I invite you to try it.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Lastest Joyshot-When worries take over or you feel them coming on, try these simple fast techniques to feel better

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Let Me Customize A Mastery Of Joy Package Just For You! One that fits your time availability, budget and goals

Depending on your needs, time, and budget, chances are I can design a package that's just right for you

We can meet once a month, twice a month, or weekly.
Consistency is key to creating positive transformation!
We can meet for 30, 45, 60, 90, or 120-minute sessions.
Let's design a package that supports you, given your time availability, budget, and goals

- Packages give you way more value for your money than individual sessions, Mastery of Joy Package clients get bonuses, like free attendance to Master Classes, Courses, and my Membership
- When you commit to the process I can give you more support and we can build on your successes, speeding up your transformations
- Packages allow us to be more johnny on the spot. We can address issues as they crop up, so things don't escalate out of control, and we take advantage of the opportunities that arise while it's hot and ripe for change
- Packages allow us to dive in way deeper and holistically address the issues, improving many other areas in your life, and pulling up the roots, so one bad habit isn't replaced with another
Let's Get You Going And Design The Package That's Right For You!
Email me and request a time we can chat

" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" and not in the past or future. I am ... cooking and baking again which I hadn't done in two years; My relationships with family members ... improved ... It is good to be alive again and wake up with a smile on my face! "Sharon ... has been so supportive ... Sharon's teachings and meditations are amazing, kind, thoughtful and loving ... I gave myself permission to heal my ... past, and now I am at peace with myself! "Life is good!"
Marie McLaughlin
"I have wonderful news … I had my blood tested … It showed my muscle inflammation was OFF the CHARTS!… I was then referred to you… not only am I healthier, I can stand to be comfortable in my own skin… here comes the number… I had my blood tested yesterday to get ... proof of your healing gift ... [to] show my doctor that things were dramatically improving… my number yesterday was 162 and the normal for muscle elevation is 130! I WOULD SAY THAT IS A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE … Thank you for EVERYTHING..!… "
Cortney Neilsen