Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Feel good by choosing kind thoughts about others and yourself. It will be worth the effort. Not only will it feel good but it will make your life go better."
The Joy Energy

Einstein said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”
I made the choice this morning to feel good. Before I got out of bed I took the time to think thoughts that made me feel supported and loved.
That gave me energy and made me feel eager for my day.
Then when I joined my husband for our morning coffee I noticed he was doing something I didn't like. I went to some unkind thoughts about him and my mood completely changed.
Before my accommodating brain could find more complaining thoughts I reminded myself "I choose to live in a friendly Universe. I choose to find thoughts that will make me feel good."
I redirected to thoughts of appreciation about him and within minutes I felt renewed and was feeling good. From there I was able to focus on the things I wanted to get done that morning.
Notice from a loving space when you're giving your focus to thoughts that make you feel bad. Does this serve you? Does it give you more of what you want? Does it bless your life or create positive change? The answer to those questions based on my life experience is, no.
Then get curious and explore redirecting to thoughts that might make you feel good. Does this serve you? Does this give you more of what you want? Does this way of thinking bless your life and create more positive change? The answer to those questions based on my life experience is yes.
If you'd like more support enjoy the latest Joyshop.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, SvensonHypnosis, for the full Joyshot series or to access other playlists to support you!
Did You Know I Customize Mastery Of Joy Packages?

Depending on your needs, time, and budget, chances are I can design a package that's just right for you.

Some clients choose to meet with me once a month, while others prefer to meet twice a month or weekly.
Some clients choose 45, 60, 90, or 120-minute sessions.
We can design a package that supports you given your time availability and budget.

- Packages give you way more value for your money than individual sessions, Mastery of Joy Package clients get bonuses, like free attendance to Master Classes, Courses, and my Membership
- When you commit to the process I can give you more support and we can build on your successes, speeding up your transformations
- Packages allow us to be more johnny on the spot. We can address issues as they crop up, so things don't escalate out of control, and we take advantage of the opportunities that arise while it's hot and ripe for change
- Packages allow us to dive in way deeper and holistically address the issues, improving many other areas in your life, and pulling up the roots, so one bad habit isn't replaced with another
Let's Get You Going And Design The Package That's Right For You! Email me and request a time we can talk

" Wow!!! The 3-month ... Package has been phenomenal for me... I have had many issues ... Sharon helped me ... with; quitting smoking, losing weight, living in the "now" and not in the past or future. I am ... cooking and baking again which I hadn't done in two years; My relationships with family members ... improved ... It is good to be alive again and wake up with a smile on my face! "Sharon ... has been so supportive ... Sharon's teachings and meditations are amazing, kind, thoughtful and loving ... I gave myself permission to heal my ... past, and now I am at peace with myself! "Life is good!"
Marie McLaughlin