Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Do your best to make peace with your past choices even if they didn't turn out well. Then you'll be able to focus your energy on making better choices going forward."
The Joy Energy

There is no going back even if you wish you could have a do-over.
I think of the story I heard on a podcast about a fellow who hit another car while texting on his phone. The two passengers in the car he hit died.
Hopefully, most of you don't have such dire results from past choices but even if you do, focusing on self-loathing and beating up on yourself, in the long run, won't serve you or others.
What this young man went on to do, was focus his energy on how he could make a positive difference. After he got out of prison he took every opportunity he could to give talks about the dangers of texting and driving in hopes of saving future lives. Wow.
I have taken a lot of wrong turns and made a lot of poor choices along the way and I know I'm not alone.
Making mistakes is part of the deal of being human and an essential part of learning.
When we are wallowing in our mistakes and living in regret and sadness we don't have the mental space to focus on making better choices and improving.
From a state of mind of more lightness and well-being we can learn from our mistakes and make better choices moving forward.
To get more support, scroll below for a free 17-minute hypnosis meditation to let go, so you can use your mental space on improving your life and making it even better.
And if you want to go even deeper, coming up soon is my Master Classes Decision-Making Made Easy, Take the stress out of making choices right for you Scroll below for more information.
Blessings and love!
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Today's Joyshot- Let Go Of Heavy Feelings, 17-minute Hypnosis Meditation

Decision-Making Made Easy
Learn a proven system to eliminate stress and make good choices
Starts next week, Tuesday, Jan. 31st so sign-up now
Four Live 33-Minute Online Master Classes with Replays

Here’s the POWER of making choices quickly and confidently
A client who had cancer shared “I didn't waste my time second-guessing or running around getting second opinions. It was a relief to follow the treatment that I knew in my heart was right. I no longer felt stressed by my family's very different strong views.”
One client grieving from the loss of her father found herself questioning a lot of things in her life. Like her marriage. At the time she was struggling over if she should stay or leave her husband. In sessions, we followed my proven joy methods to relieve the stress and make the choice right for her.
Many years later this client expresses big appreciation that she hadn't impulsively left him during a time she was vulnerable. She has shared that by following my joy methods it brought her family closer together and led to a stronger healthier more joyful marriage.
Another favorite success is my client who got out of massive debt by eliminating the shiny object syndrome and being manipulated by others. I love, how years later, she is so mindful and confident in how she delegates and spends her money.
So different from how they said things used to be for them and can be for you!
Click Here To Learn More Details And Sign-Up
The Easy To Say Yes to $97 Price Offer Ends This Friday
We'll do group hypnosis to pull up the roots and release
- Guilt, shame, doubts, and or not feeling good worthy, and other negative patterns can lead to poor or rash choices along with bad habits and addictions
- Disempowering beliefs can trigger you to the negative, and lead you to mindless actions, and bad decisions
I'll share patterns and beliefs that line you up for trouble so you can avoid them
We'll strengthen positive beliefs that can line you up for success
I'll give you tools to
- Stop Being Manipulated By Others, Advertising, Social Media, Emails, Movies ...
- Release Shiny Object Syndrome & Distractions From Your Dreams
- Prevent Rash Choices and or Freezing Up or Making Choices By Default
- Recognize When You're Being Overconfident or Overestimating so you can avoid failure or discouragement and from hindering yourself from accomplishing goals and dreams
- So You Can Move Forward With Confidence, Ability, And A Learner's Mind, Clear With Intent And Vision
- Bring Together Your Mind and Heart, So You Make Decisions Connected To Source/God/Divine
Click Here To Learn More Details And Sign-Up
The Easy To Say Yes to $97 Price Offer Ends This Friday