- Joy Message- How to know if it is your inner guidance or not
- YouTube Video-You Are Enough
- Calling You To Joy Free Online Live Support, Release Blocks & Fears No Replays Available
- Free Sessions In The Month Of Oct. ( See qualifications)
"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Test if your answers are really coming from your inner guidance. Did it feel like relief after you were feeling anxious, fearful, or negative? If so, chances are that wasn't your inner guidance. It was you finding a lighter thought. Or were you feeling centered and peaceful and a thought of clear knowing came?" That most likely was your inner guidance.
The Joy Energy

My client announced even before she had sat down "I am going to leave my job! When I thought about it this morning I felt so good. I just know this is the right thing."
Because she believed, strongly in that moment, that the source of all her misery, was her job, the thought of having it out of her life, brought immense relief.
She was not coming from a state of harmony and alignment and she wasn't connecting with her inner-guidance.
In the past, this had brought her a lot of suffering, instead of looking for her peace within first, she had looked for what was wrong outside of her. She had been quick to cut people out of her life, leave jobs, and quit projects. Later she felt regret.
My advice to myself and my clients, feel good first and then allow in the clarity. In other words, start from a place of appreciation, get centered and peaceful, and then see what comes.
As we looked for the blessings of where she was at, she acknowledged the money was good, there were a lot of aspects she liked, even loved, and overall apart from the community meetings once a month and a supervisor she disliked but hardly saw, it was working out well for.
She now thought quitting didn't make any sense. She had little savings, and really needed to get a new car. She was working towards both those goals and her job was helping. Now she felt a little silly about what she had been thinking.
Want more support in letting go and feeling good? October has a bonanza of good things.
Enjoy this week's YouTube hypnosis meditation You Are Enough and YouTube shorts.
Join me live for Calling You To Joy Free Online Love & Support- 11 & 22-minute Hypnosis Meditations, Sundays and Wednesdays, in the month of October. Scroll below for details.
- If you haven't tried a session with me before, sign up for a free one, during the month of October. Limited spots are available.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
If you've never had a session with me, try one out
Free No-Obligation Session Release Hidden Blocks Get Clarity & Relief

LIMITED SPOTS Click Here To Sign-Up For A Session In October
Click here to check out the latest YouTube Short videos
Latest YouTube Hypnosis Meditation-You Are Enough

Calling You To Joy Free Online Support
Join Me on Zoom on Wednesdays & Sundays for Love & Support https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3887946554
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Start Your Day Off With Positive Momentum Every Sunday and Wednesday in the month of October

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Sunday's Call To Joy 9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT, 12 pm EST
Wednesday's Call To Joy 6 am PT, 7 am MT, 8 am CT, 9 am EST
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