Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Let go of feeling bad about what is outside of your control. Instead, look for things you can appreciate. From a softer lighter state of mental well-being, you can be a positive influence on yourself, and maybe others, and with practice be discerning on how best to bring about the change you do have control over. "
The Joy Energy

I find, asking myself the question Is this something you have control over and can change? very helpful.
When the answer is no, it gives me the clarity to move on and focus on what I do have influence over.
I have suffered a lot in the past, because I would fixate on things outside of my control, like others' actions I deemed inappropriate, a house going up next door blocking my view, weather conditions I judged as wrong, a politician voted in I didn't like, a decision made that can't be taken back, and so on.
Then I ask myself the question, What could you focus on instead that would feel good?
As I redirect to lighter softer thoughts, I get energized, and it often leads me to inspired ideas and actions.
Try it, if you don't already. And experience the relief of letting go.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
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Are you coming from a victim mentality or an empowerment mentality?
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