Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Instead of blaming conditions and others for making you feel bad, even if it's justified, change your focus. Shift to a perspective that makes you feel good and leads to empowerment. Not only will you enjoy life more but life will work out better for you."
The Joy Energy

A client, we'll call her Suzie, had a hostile relationship with her boss and was fearful of losing her job.
She listed many reasons why her boss was wrong and evil.
Most folks that listened to her complaints, she assured me, agreed her boss's behavior was outrageous, and she was justified in calling her evil.
But judging her boss as evil wasn't serving her or giving her what she wanted. She felt insecure, angry, and victimized.
In hypnosis, we shifted her perspective to the positives about her job and her boss.
She was able to appreciate the money it brought in and the skills she had learned.
Eventually, in sessions, she was able to find good memories of her boss, from past years. She recalled that at one time her boss had been generous with her knowledge, encouragement, and time.
She came to realize her attitude had changed this last year, she had been sassier and less cooperative at work because she felt discontent and ready to move on.
She had an ah-hah moment and realized her boss had been reacting to her negativity.
In our sessions, she continued to shift her perspective.
Instead of inwardly railing about her boss, each day at work she looked for aspects she could appreciate.
She found herself appreciating- the work friendship she had, the growing skills she had acquired in her field, and the financial stability from her job that allowed her to live a pretty comfortable life.
Her attitude towards her boss positively changed, and her boss became as she said, a whole different person and lovely to work for.
Being free of the negative energy allowed her to sleep well and she said she felt more inspired in all areas of her life.
She explored other job opportunities and eventually decided to start her own business on the side.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Latest Joyshot- Flood your unwanted thoughts with love and turn off the reptilian brain

If you've worked with me in sessions, packages, a course, or workshops you'll love the membership.
Let it either get you back on the joy track, support you in keeping your positive momentum going, and/or help you take things further
If you're an Alumni you can work with me for just $39 a month
Imagine the payback, how priceless is it to - be less stressed and overwhelmed, get a good night's sleep, be more resilient and confident, enjoy life more, and have the tools to positively change your life
Prices go up in January due to rising costs
Offers Ends December 31st
Joyful Abundance Momentum Membership Details

One participant shared how working with me has been a big beautiful surprise, my words.
To paraphrase her she said she had done a lot of work on herself in the past and tried a lot of different stuff but was in awe because this was really working.
She felt her brain changing as well as her life.
For instance, her social anxiety seemed to have evaporated. She was feeling relaxed in situations that normally would make her stressed. She was able to redirect away from fears in some extreme situations and access her inner-wisdom and next steps. Yay!
Due to rising costs, these prices will be going up in January
Joyful Abundance Momemtum Membership January 2023-January 2024 Save Money, One Payment 390
Joyful Abundance Momemtum Membership January 2023 -January 2024 12 Monthly Payments of 39
Or get 12 monthly sessions and the membership for 12 monthly payments of $247 a month
Humanitarian Joyful Abundance VIP Membership Get 12 Monthly 60-Minute Sessions January 2023-January 2024 12 Monthly Payments of 247
Email me at svensonhypnosis@gmail.com and schedule a chat to learn more