Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"One of the best things you can do for yourself, others, and the world, is to choose thoughts that make you feel secure, loved, good enough, and joyfully expectant."
The Joy Energy

Inherently you are good. You have what you need and what it takes to thrive and blossom in your life.
Yes, even though you've probably messed up, made mistakes, and let others and yourself down.
Even if you have conditions in your life you don't like.
Even if others judge or have judged you as inappropriate, wrong, or a disappointment.
Even if you have addictions, bad habits, a disease, or an unwanted label.
Even if you had bad things happen to you.
When you release yourself from negative judgments about yourself, others, and unwanted conditions and circumstances and feel secure, loved, good enough, and hopeful, your life changes for the better. Really!
Years ago, a client demonstrated how vastly different things can be when we let go of judgments, bring in hope, and love ourselves
As a teenager, this client had done a lot of drugs, and as she described it, had put herself on a bad course, and screwed up her life for a long time.
But at one point, she and her husband had gotten it together, were making a good living, and were living a good life.
But then a big misfortune hit and it was all taken away, leaving them both down and hopeless, barely getting by, and living on her husband's disability and whatever she good bring in.
She was a loving soul with a big heart and loved to give to others in whatever way she could. When she did she felt so good. She had a business she enjoyed and was good at but rarely got any business.
When she came to me the majority of her thoughts were fearful and desperate. She had trouble tracking our conversations and was often inarticulate when she shared.
At that time she was making lots of unhealthy choices and sometimes stole alcohol and drugs to get relief from her mental pain.
Note, I am not trained as a mental therapist, counselor, coach, or medical professional, I am a hypnotherapist, and my forte is the power of the mind. Many clients continue to pursue other treatments in conjunction with hypnosis and I don't offer any guidance or opinion in areas outside my expertise.
For about 6- months we met once a week and sometimes more as needed.
Each week in hypnosis she released more judgments about herself, others, and unwanted conditions, and soaked up thoughts that made her feel safe, loved, good about herself, and optimistic.
At the end of our 6 months, she seemed to me a completely different person.
Her energy became more commonly calm and centered. She shared with me insightful opinions and wisdom.
I found she had a playful sense of humor and I loved seeing her growing confidence as she shared all her successes each week.
Holy moly, the transformation to me was wild and startling.
Her struggling business took off and her services were in high demand. She and her husband were now able to pay their bills.
She saw her husband more compassionately and said her positive changes were rubbing off on him.
He was becoming more hopeful and of his own initiative was doing things to help himself and their family, things she had been pleading for him to do for years.
In the next couple of years, she reported more positive changes, like she went on to pursue a hobby she had dreamed about doing for years, lost over 40 pounds, and was making lots of healthy choices.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Latest Joyshot- Use self-hypnosis to flood yourself with feelings of security, love, and good enough