Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

"The Benevolent and Loving God/Universe that has Infinite Intelligence and Unlimited Resources already heard your requests already answered them, and your part is to chill out, relax, and allow."  

The Joy Energy

If you're like me, sometimes you lack faith that all is well and all will work out.

Maybe sometimes you believe it is about taking the right action, problem-solving, and figuring things out.

Then you might drive yourself crazy with over-analyzing, stressing, and worrying. I have. And instead of finding answers, I suffer.

Since you're human there will be many problems and concerns that are too big and too complicated for you to solve.

The beautiful deal is you don't have to play the Loving God/Universe/Source. You aren't supposed to be all-knowing.

And though it might seem lazy or contrary to how you were taught, your part is to let go, chill out, and give your worries and troubles over to the Higher Power/Love Energy or whatever your label.

This Loving Energy has Infinite Intelligence, Ultimate Unlimited Resources, And Total And Complete Love For You. 

Know you count, your happiness and well-being matter, and there is nothing you have done, said, or been labeled as, that cancels those truths out. There is support, answers, and new realities that await you.

Listen to the Latest Joyshot Let go of fixating, stressing, and worrying.

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.". 



Latest Joyshot-Let Go Of Fixating, Stressing, And Worrying

Come join other fellow joy seekers, and join the membership for just $39 a month

Like a gym membership for your mind, the Joyful Abundance Momentum Membership helps you nurture your positive mindset, get happier, and manifest more of what you want

One participant shared with me how supportive the membership has been in staying peaceful despite some big challenges that have cropped up, she said as she continues to let go and trust, things keep working out for her. She appreciates how the membership reminds her to keep choosing the softer lighter thoughts and for the tools she learns that continue to help her.

Joyful Abundance Momentum Membership 

Did you know I have a Master of Joy Mental Well-Being Package?

Imagine if

  • Your most dominant
    experience was feeling good

  • A good night sleep came

  • You thoroughly enjoyed
    your work, play, family,
    friends, and blessings

  • When issues, challenges,
    or decisions cropped up you
    went to positive expectations,  
    followed by solutions, clarity,
    and answers

  • You were the best of who
    you are, appreciative, joyful,
    brilliant, creative, and wise

Testimonial for
Mastery of Joy Well-Being

"I initially came to Sharon...
to be less controlling and free
myself of expecting the worst.
Both habits brought fears
and anxieties that ...
stopped me from
appreciating and
enjoying ... life.

Leaving behind fears and
worries, especially about the
future, changed everything.
I love how it all came full
circle and other parts of
my life came together too.


Family relationships are
better.Instead of feeling
guilty, fearfulor critical, I
can support and love them
instead, with results of
feeling more peaceful and
having healthier boundaries.


I can go places and feel
comfortable with new
people.  Before I started
sessions and workshops
I didn’t socialize.
I felt socially awkward.
Now I am friendly and
spontaneous, have more
friends, and feel more
comfortable and free to
do what makes
me feel good.


I used to have and
uncomfortable relationship
with my body and food.
By letting go of the fears
and judgments, I now
do more to take care of
myself, like walks
and working out at
the gym, and eating in
balance, plus I feel so
much better about myself.


Now, I don’t take things
so personally. For instance,
when family or anyone has
strong opinions I don’t
agree with, I can listen
to them without it affecting
my life negatively.
It is so freeing.


I don’t fixate and worry
about others choices
so much anymore.
And when I do, I use the tools
I’ve learned in sessions
and workshops to come
back to a good-feeling place.


Now when life happens,
like unforeseen accidents
or unexpected events,
instead of it throwing me
into panic or a place
of suffering, I’ve proven
I can be peaceful,
really be supportive by
imagining good things, and
just know when to step
back, or move forward
with positive actions
that feel right to me.


Life can be so easy.
Life is easy, when you
let go of the worry, fear
and judgments.


I'd like to tell everyone,
sign-up for Sharon’s workshops
or do her immersion packages!


Life can be so different.
It is so worth investing
the time and money
on. I can’t even begin
to tell you how grateful
I am."

Donna Sevilla
Garden Valley, ID

Email me a svensonhypnosis@gmail.com and schedule a chat to learn more


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America