Free Gift- Clear out Mental Junk, Don't let the past define your future
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Make feeling good a daily choice and priority. Not by choosing activities, or looking for something outside yourself to make you feel good, though that can be good too, but by choosing thoughts that are lighter, softer, and feel better from wherever you're at. Good feeling thoughts long-term will lead you to mindful nurturing choices, inspired actions, and feeling good." The Joy Energy
I used to treat myself to sweets to make myself feel better or take a break with a book to escape. And though it gave me temporary relief it didn't give me the sustaining satisfying feeling I really wanted because I was running away from my uncomfortable feelings and not showing up for them.
Don't get me wrong, a good book and cookies can be satisfying when I am in a feel-good space, but not when I use them as a go-to method to feel better.
The actions would give me temporary relief and be distracting but unless at some point I showed up for the negative emotions and addressed them, I ended up spinning my wheels and landing back in the same place again and again. Plus, I usually added guilt, shame, or hopelessness into the mix, ashamed I wasn't living my life like I really wanted to, following my dreams, living it fully, and enjoying the journey.
If you find yourself doing the same sometimes, try this
Notice your thoughts that precede your bad mood
Instead of judging the thoughts or negative feelings, or running away from them, meet them with tenderness and love
Becoming aware of the thoughts that come before your negative feelings will be very useful information for turning things around.
- Fearful or hopeless thoughts call for thoughts that bring soothing, relief, or optimism.
- Confusion craves thoughts that bring feelings of clarity, which can lead to thoughts of inspiration and next steps.
- Thoughts that make you feel unsupported, unsafe, and unloved desire thoughts that result in feeling supported, safe, and loved.
- Thoughts that bring feelings of incompetence and unsuccessful want thoughts that bring feelings of competent, capable, and successful.
Remember feeling good works better, feels better, and allows in the magic and beauty of life.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Want help releasing the grip of negative thinking?
It is not cheating to get support and help. Why go it alone?

Peel back the layers of negative thinking, soak yourself in love and positive thoughts, with this hypnosis meditation
Hypnosis is one of the most potent tools available to humanity for positive change
Free Gift-Clear out Mental Junk, Don't let the past define your future