Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Choose feeling good over feeling self-righteous. It feels good, connects you to Source/God/The Benevolent and Loving Universe, where you are showered with a stream of wellbeing." The Joy Energy

I know feeling good feels good and makes my life go better.
When I feel good I am connected to this Higher Power/Love Energy and my good flows in.
But my old patterns of judgment voice themselves daily.
When I notice a condition I don't like it isn't unusual for me to blame something outside myself, thinking if only my husband was different, or if others just acted right ...
As soon as I catch myself I try to refocus and turn things around towards softer lighter thoughts and perspectives.
But sometimes the negative thoughts get the upper hand. My stubbornness kicks in and I would rather be right than feel good. Yikes. It never ends well for me when I take that path.
To help myself overcome me, I do hypnosis recordings and meditations daily to break from judgments and fears, allow in the joy, and allow in that steam of wellbeing.
May you find an abundance of support and love!
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."