"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Rather than brushing aside negative emotions or judging yourself for having them, welcome them as guidance. Pause to calm your worries, soothe your fears, and remind yourself of the abundance in your life. Notice all the things that have gone well.
Each small shift toward softer, lighter feelings gently guides you back into the energy of clarity, support, love, abundance, and joy that’s always on tap for you.
The Joy Energy

So often, we’re our own worst critics, thinking we should have it all together, be perfect, or never make mistakes.
Many of us focus on what’s missing or what could be better, often apologizing for it along the way.
I’ve been there too—being my own worst critic. It feels awful. It drains my energy, pulls me into a negative rabbit hole, and drains out the joy.
But when we give ourselves permission to be kind, to encourage ourselves, and to celebrate our positive qualities and what’s already working, everything changes.
Seeing ourselves with love and kindness allows us to step into our fullest potential, freeing our energy to live more joyfully and fully in every moment.
If you’d like support in feeling good, check out my latest YouTube video:
Negative feelings can sometimes take over, making it hard to find peace or calm them down. In this relaxing hypnosis session, you’ll dive into the root causes of these emotions and what they’re trying to tell you.
“There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.”