Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Notice your blessings, not your lack, not only because it feels good, but this simple act done again and again will positively change your life." The Joy Energy

I often go to lack. I can have a big chunk of money come in, enjoy it for awhile, but then fears come creeping in, wondering, is there more where this came from? Or I can be surrounded by lovely things and get caught up in a fear or concern, making my blessings invisible to me.
It's human nature to wonder Will this last? Is there more coming? and to notice what is wrong instead of right. The question isn't if you go there but how long do you stay there?
Listen to a short Joyshot, a 7-minute video, to soak yourself in love, and turn from lact towards appreciation.
The Joyshot- A little inoculation of love
In this 7-minute video I give guidance on why noticing your blessings can positively change your life. I give examples of how to go from lack to appreciation. And I guide you into a meditation with self-hypnosis.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
- being happy, feeling safe, and feeling good about themselves
- being that cooperative component in their life, so it goes better for them and the people around them, and they get more of what they want
- making good decisions and not being led by peer pressure, low-self esteem, or other outside influences
- moving past their negative emotions and challenges in their life and mutating them into wisdom, love and the dreams they call them to
"... Before I felt as if we were surviving as a family and now I see such a difference. My children are laughing and succeeding with academics and sports and relationships ... ... I now have a healthy home and family ... Thanks to Sharon I have an abundance of health, wealth, & happiness ... this is the life I have been craving ... It is an amazing ... to be so happy and appreciate life. Thank you, ..." Amy Leslie