Hello Beautiful, Sharon
"Being happy and making mindful choices authentic to you is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others. " The Joy Energy
I have felt lots of stress during holiday times in the past.
A lot of the stress was me going along with what I thought I was supposed to do or what I thought was expected of me. Now I am more proactive in following my joy, and that over the years has become my more dominant experience. I started by asking myself What feels authentic and right to me?
When you take time to get clear on what you really want and remind yourself of that, you are less likely to be swept up into what you think you should do or others expectations, and live more mindfully
I want to
- enjoy my life and I want others to enjoy their lives too
- make authentic joyful choices with my time and money
- give in ways that feel meaningful to me and not because it's an obligation
- own my power within to be happy and not put it on someone else
- be flexible in my thinking so life works out better for me
accommodate and support others as it feels right to me
Each year I get better at moving towards or achieving these goals by keeping my deeper goals at the top of my mind, either through hypnosis recordings or by reminding myself of them when I start to get off track.
When I go off track, I might tell myself that's "OK, Sharon, you're human, but let's stop this line of thinking right now, and do things in a way that actually blesses our life and is lined up with how we want to live it."
Examples of being authentic and lining up with your goals
- One year, I wrote emails telling friends how much I appreciated them. It was wonderful to appreciate them and remember all the ways I had felt loved, supported, and inspired by them. Some told me they were touched and found the emails very meaningful. It fit my budget, it was authentic to me, and it felt so good!
We often meet with our youngest daughter and her family to celebrate the holidays but on a different day. This works out well for us because my husband and I own our own businesses so we can be flexible. I love being with them during the holidays. But I want it to work out for them and be joyful for all of us. Since she also has inlaws that like to spend time with them too, this makes things easier for her to make it work with them.
Last year my oldest daughter who lives in San Francisco, gave me a very memorable precious gift. For years, when my daughters were kids we had a tradition where the kids played X-Mas carols. I so so loved that. And though I couldn't spend the holidays with her, my daughter met with me on Zoom and played X-Mas carols on her violin. I LOVED IT!
I didn't like going to my Mother-In-Law's because she often gave me lots of unsolicited advice and unwelcome opinions. But it felt right to go there and visit with my kids and wrong to judge her and get irritated. So instead, I focused on the attention and love she gave to my kids. That felt good. Then I was able to put the advice and opinions into a more loving perspective, and not take them so personally and see her good intentions instead.
Explore and experiment with things you might do differently, or not do, so your life works better and you enjoy it!
Don't beat up on yourself if you do get swept up in the pressures, welcome to the human race.
Change takes time and practice. Do the best you can and love yourself anyway.
Notice the ways you do make authentic choices and celebrate them. This can encourage you forward.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
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Come join me Wednesday, November 17th
- Learn new mindsets that can make you happier
- Get the chance to be in the Love Seat and release holiday pressure and stress
Learn Self-Hypnosis & Recieve a Hypnosis Meditation To Redirect You To How You Want To Live life, more joyfully and authentically
"I use to feel stressed during the holidays when family came. Now things are very different,
... instead of feeling anxious, I’m able to relax, allow others to help out instead of doing it all alone, ... and I find I am really getting what I wanted, enjoying being with my family and spending time with them." Mariann Steen, Boise, Idaho
Get tools to release inflexible, stubborn, and limiting mindsets so you can be happier and have life work better for you during the holidays
Come join me Wednesday, November 17th
- Learn new mindsets that can make you happier
- Get the chance to be in the Love Seat and release holiday pressure and stress
- Learn Self-Hypnosis & Recieve a Hypnosis Meditation To Redirect You To How You Want To Live life, more joyfully and authentically
 Photo by Kari Greer at kariphotos.com
Stay Peaceful During The Holidays