Today Wednesday, November 17th, @ 12 pm Mountain Time, 2 pm EST Sign-up for the Replay or attend live Two-Hour Online Holiday Abundance Joyshop Gift Yourself This Nurturing Support Release stress and pressures, relax more, make authentic choices, and be open to receiving more abundance

Hello Beautiful, Sharon,
"Feeling overwhelmed? Take a step back and do what you can to relieve the pressure, soften the bigness or seriousness of it all, and focus on a few clear, simple thoughts instead." The Joy Energy
I am so familiar with the feeling of overwhelm or a feeling of this is all too much.
If you go there too, welcome to the human race. It is so natural to go there especially if you have a full life and keep moving outside your comfort zone.
I used to hang out in overwhelm a lot. But now I am able to turn things around and redirect to feelings of centeredness and calm. Sometimes within days, hours, minutes, or seconds. The sooner I catch myself and redirect the quicker I can turn it around.
Finding softer, lighter, less serious thoughts takes practice. But it is so worth it for the good feelings, clarity, and inspired actions it will bring.
A real-life example
I started a new course on creating a digital course. It is a big investment of my time and money. It has a lot of wonderful material, I have a lot to learn, and it has a lot of steps to implement. It is a big project.
I went to overwhelm quite a lot this last month and a half. Lots of fears and doubts have cropped up.
My overwhelm translated into moments of feeling frozen and unable to move forward with my ideas. It led to mindless distractions like watching funny YouTube videos instead of taking action.
But here is the beautiful part, I didn't set up camp in overwhelm, I knew my feelings were temporary, and that I could use them as a starting-off place to strengthen my positive mindsets. And from there the positive feelings would lead to inspired actions. And you can too.
One of my favorite exercises I used to move past the overwhelm is
Opposite Game
- Identify the negative feeling
- Find the opposite of that feeling
- Look for evidence to back up how you want to feel with selective thoughts
What is my negative feeling?
Answer- Overwhelmed, as if my head will explode.
What is the opposite of that feeling?
Answer-Clear, peaceful and confident
What thoughts can you find that feel true that might make you feel clear, peaceful, and confident?
My Answer was- I feel really good about my Mastery of Joy Packages. I feel certain about the process and confident in what I offer. It all feels peaceful, clear, and purposeful.
Yay. I am feeling really really good at this point.
Then I searched for more specific thoughts that felt true and would make me feel good.
I've run courses on the topic I'm creating my digital course in. I feel good about all the great testimonials I received. I feel good about what I learned. I feel good that I have a lot of good elements and materials I can use that proved out with others. Yay, I was feeling even better. From there I was inspired to take actions.
Then a week later I posted a post in the digital course creating FB group and asked for help and only two people responded. Guess what, I went to a deflated negative place. So human, so normal. It stirred up my doubts again. So again, I reminded myself, I want to feel good, even if I feel so far from it. And I practiced some more, building up my positive thinking. As I found softer lighter thoughts I was excited about connecting with the two people that responded and was feeling inspired to move forward again.
Try it out for yourself, and use it again and again and again as desired, and see if it helps you.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
My Holiday Gift To You, A Free Holiday Abundance Joyshop
Sign-up for the replay or to Attend live
Today Wednesday, November 17th, @ 12 pm Mountain Time, 2 pm EST
Let me help you release stress and pressures, relax more, make authentic choices, and be open to receiving more abundance of all that you want

- Learn new mindsets that can make you happier and more open to receive
- Get the chance to be in the Love Seat and release holiday pressure and stress
- Learn Self-Hypnosis to stay calm and centered
- Receive a Hypnosis Meditation To Live life, more joyfully, authentically, & prosperously