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Joyful Abundance Course Early Bird Price, you get first dips in

Mastery of Joy Package for the busy soul who wants deep change

Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Become your own placebo, get happier, by expecting positive things." The Joy Energy

When you think of the future do you more commonly expect positive things or imagine future problems or worst-case scenarios?
If you go to negative expectations, welcome to the human race, most of us are trained up to do that. A mistaken belief is if we take it seriously, worry enough, or fixate on the worst possible outcome it will work out for us. Somehow we believe this will motivate us to find answers and make things work. And even if it does work and it pushes us to attend to the problem it comes at a high price, our peace of mind.
When you expect bad outcomes, you feel bad in the moment. Done again and again it becomes a go-to pattern of thought and becomes your belief. In other words, worries about the future destroy your happiness in the moment and set you up for future unhappiness.
A fearful or worried state closes you off to possibilities and can have a nocebo effect (a negative outcome due to negative expectations.)
The beautiful deal is you can show up for yourself way better from an expectant state of mind.
I had a client who believed as we age, our health deteriorates. This negative expectation made her feel scared and frightened of the future.
She had ample evidence this was true from serious health issues she had. One doctor, she shared, estimated because of heart issues she had only another 10 years to live. Plus, the majority of her peers were in agreement with this belief and had confirmed her belief with their ever-increasing deteriorating bodies.
I asked "Are you open to a new belief that 'as you grow older, your body can become more comfortable and healthy?' "
"But that's not true, ... " she replied. She was very closed off to even considering the idea.
As she selectively let go of thought patterns that made her feel fearful in hypnosis sessions she became more open to choosing beliefs that made her feel good.
Even if 9 out of 10 doctors recommend a belief or the majority of the population holds it as true, be willing to choose beliefs that make you feel good and improve your life.
During our time together she claimed release from fibromyalgia, allergies, and neck pain. She reported a skin and nerve condition started responding to the medication she was taking that hadn't worked before. She shared her cardiologist said her heart was functioning at 30 percent and now was functioning at close to normal.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
New Mastery of Joy Package For the Busy Soul
Get $900 off the price with bonuses valued at $944
Offer good until January 31st, 2022

Testimonial for the Mastery of Joy Package
Courtney's Physical Therapist recommended me because her pain and physical issues weren't getting better. She couldn't dance, ride her bike, or do other physical things she enjoyed.
"… had Physical Therapy this morning and my Physical Therapist says from last week to this week my body is 50% better. Last week it was 20% better and today 25%. Yeah! … " "… I’m so excited right now, I just got done working out for 35 minutes at the gym taking a dance class. The class is an hour-long but I need to pace myself. I can’t THANK YOU enough for changing my life and creating a better living environment in my head. (smile) You truly are a healer! THANK YOU! …" Cortney Neilsen
Joyful Abundance Course Early Bird Price

10-minute video about Joyful Abundance Course
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