Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Bring out your best by taking the time to get centered and peaceful. From a state of well-being you access your brilliance, sense of humor, wisdom, and creativity. Plus, it feels good and improves your life."
The Joy Energy

As a grandparent I can get thrown off track from feelings of centeredness and peace by siblings fighting, a temper tantrum, uncooperative behavior, or a grandchild's brilliant idea of turning a metal spoon and steel pan into a drum.
In the busyness of taking care of them and with the fast pace of how things can sometimes escalate quickly to the bad side, I am not always able to use my mind to redirect to softer lighter thoughts, because my brain can go into overwhelm and go blank.
That's why I love self-hypnosis. With a few breaths I am often able to find my calm and peace within seconds or minutes. And my brain starts working agian.
In the latest Joyshot, short videos to nurture your positive mindset, I focus on parenting and caretaking, and how to bring more peace, calm, and cooperation into your life and child's.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
The latest Joy Shot- Make Parenting or Caretaking More Effortless And Easy

Interview with Sharon Svenson, on how to help kids thrive and be happier with hypnosis

Hypnosis isn't just for adults

Positive Mindset For Your Child & Teen
"... My children are reaping ... benefits ...
Before I felt as if we were surviving as a family and now I see such a difference.
My children are laughing and succeeding with academics and sports and relationships in their lives.
... I now have a healthy home and family and I couldn’t be prouder and appreciative of our accomplishments...
Thanks to Sharon ...
Truly amazing ...
Amy Leslie Horseshoe Bend, ID
Let me support them in
- being happy, feeling safe, and
feeling good about themselves
- being that cooperative component
in their life, so it goes better for them and the people around them, and they get more of what they want
- making good decisions and not being
led by peer pressure, low-self esteem, or other outside influences
moving past their negative emotions
and challenges and changing them into confidence, wisdom and love
Mastery of Joy Package for your child or teen
To schedule a time to chat about how hypnosis can help you email