Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Choose feeling good to improve your life and create positive change. Not only does it feel good, but it is more effective than using fear or anger." The Joy Energy
Feeling good is the best.
When I feel good, good ideas flow, I take inspired actions, attract good things, and put temporary problems into a larger perspective. This is where I can see the best in others, know things will work out, and notice and appreciate all the beauty in the world.
I get there by choosing soft loving thoughts, like appreciating and trusting things will work out despite any contrary appearances.
And I get there by showing up for my fears or negative thoughts.

Just like our ability to feel temperatures can guide us to back away from a fire before we get burned, and help us find a comfortable spot, negative thoughts can keep us safe and guide us to pleasurable thoughts.
Fear can alert me to an unsafe situation, guide me to act on my wisdom, and give me adrenaline to act fast. Like getting out of the way of a fast-moving heavy object coming at me. A good system. Especially if I don't carry the fear forward.
We weren't meant to be in a perpetual state of fear or other uncomfortable feelings. They are temporary and can be used as guidance to keep ourselves safe and to guide us to good feelings.
I know my uncomfortable thoughts, like worry and fear, want things to work out for me, and want to lead me to answers, solutions, and good feelings.
Just like a child who fears monsters are hiding under their bed and can't go to sleep, might feel better not if their uncomfortable feelings are ignored or negatively judged but by showing up for them.
You might show up for them by giving them new information, like the monsters she read about in the book that day were made-up.
Or you might redirect her fear to curiosity and invite her to look under the bed with you.
Or maybe you redirect her thoughts to thoughts that make her feel safe, like reminding her you're nearby and there to help.
And just like with the child, for you, it will take experimentation to find out what brings you the soothing, relief, or better feelings.
But it is so worth it, not only because life will work better, but for the good feelings it will bring!
Want support in feeling good more of the time?
Check out my free series on my YouTube channel, Learn Self-Hypnosis, and Soak Up Love.
A series of eleven 33-minute videos I recorded during the height of the pandemic, with guidance, self-hypnosis tutorials, and love meditations.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."

Relief can come quickly! A beautiful state for positive changes to manifest
Don't wait until the problem is solved or the unwanted condition changes to feel softer lighter feelings, feel better now!
Feeling good is the perfect state for positive changes to unfold "I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis ... and have been on many different medications over the years. I tried diets and herbs over the years as well as acupuncture. Nothing was giving me relief except the medication that left me with stomach problems and a drugged feeling. Hypnosis changed my life in a number of ways. My objective was to help relieve pain I was having in my spine. I started to see results after my first visit. As I continued the results grew stronger and stronger. The first thing I noted I was not thinking about the pain so much. These were the building blocks I needed to progress away from an ‘incurable illness’. Eventually, I was able to quit taking most of the drugs we thought I had to take to control the disease, as well as quit the painkillers. Being off the medications is a huge leap forward, having energy is priceless. Now I am back to work for the first time in years doing what I thought I would never be able to do again ... " Dan Wilson Garden Valley, Idaho
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