"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

If you feel judged, wrongly accused, or misunderstood by others, remember: Source/God/Universe sees the best within you, loves you unconditionally, and says, “You’re important, you matter, you are beloved, and you are worthy.”

The Joy Energy 

When you feel judged, wrongly accused, or misunderstood by others, try out these higher perspectives to get soothing and relief for yourself:

  • You get to have your own preferences, beliefs, opinions, likes, and dislikes, even if others' don’t approve.

  • You don’t have to justify or prove yourself to others even if they think you have to. You decide if you're worthy and loveable.

  • What others think about you is their perspective, it doesn't need to be your perspective.

  • What others think about you is more about their current mood, than you, you don't have to take it personally.

  • Just because someone doesn’t see the best of who you are in the moment, doesn’t mean you can’t see that for yourself.

  • Others’ moods or negative opinions about you aren't permanent, they’re just passing moments in time.

  • It’s not up to others to make you feel good, that’s your responsibility, you get to choose where you direct your thoughts.

  • It’s normal to mess up, make mistakes, and continue to learn, evolve, and change. You are a beautifully imperfect, evolving human and are seen as worthy and loveable by God/Source/Universe.

When you give yourself the freedom to make mistakes, be your unique ever-evolving self, and love yourself no matter what, you'll find that you do improve, learn, evolve, and grow more easily.

The difference is, that you’ll spend less time distracted by negative thoughts, like shame, guilt, and not good enough, and more time enjoying your journey and living your life more fully.

Enjoy this week's 22-minute hypnosis session: Release Negative Emotions Fast

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


P.SReady for deep transformation & deep savings? Sign-up for my February Mastery of Joy Package Special

🌐 Book Your Free Discovery Call To Find Out How Hypnosis Can Help You

💫 Let’s create the life you’ve been dreaming of, one joyful moment at a time.

Why Feeling Good Changes Everything 

The most powerful thing you can do to improve your life, uplift others, and positively impact the world is to feel good.

Why? Because it shifts everything!

✔ Makes you happier
✔ Dissolves negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and bad habits
✔ Activates your body’s natural healing abilities
✔ Frees up your energy to take inspired action, enjoy the journey, and fully live life
✔ Allows you to hear and receive Divine guidance, support, and wisdom


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America