"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

Of course, you can change for the better and achieve your goals and dreams. You were made to grow, evolve, and thrive. And you were never meant to go it alone. Take a deep sigh breath—relax, let go, and imagine the unlimited support of Source/God/Universe softly and lovingly meeting you where you’re at and guiding you to where you want to go."

The Joy Energy


Today is Stop Smoking Day! Scroll to the bottom for free resources if you'd like to quit

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for breaking bad habits—whether it’s smoking, procrastinating, hoarding, or binging on junk food.

But many people hesitate to see a hypnotist, thinking they need to have it all together first.

It’s like saying, “I’ll hire an organizer once I’m more organized” or “I’ll go to the gym once I’m in better shape.” I get it—I’ve been there. LOL

But here’s the truth: you don’t have to wait until you fully believe you can change.

You don’t need to know how it will happen or even trust that life will be better on the other side.

What matters is that you want it to work. You want to thrive. You want life to get better. 

And even if you’re unsure about the change, I can help you get ready to get ready—find the clarity, release the resistance, and guide you to the other side.

Or maybe you do want to quit, but doubts, fears, and misconceptions are holding you back:

🚫 “What if I fail?”
🚫 “What if I lose a part of myself?”
🚫 “What if smoking is the only thing that helps me relax?”
🚫 “What if hypnosis doesn’t work for me?”

We don’t know what we don’t know.

We assume we can’t do it, or that letting go of a habit might mean losing something important in our lives.

But what if quitting smoking—or another bad habit—actually gave you more? More freedom, more energy, more control over your life?

Take my client, Kathy. She loved smoking and doubted hypnosis would work for her. It did! Now, years later, she’s still cigarette-free—and doesn’t crave them at all. Now her clothes don't smell like cigarettes, she has more money to spend on what she wants, she can direct her energy to how she wants to live life and not be controlled by a habit.

" ... I was one of those people who “loved” to smoke. ... I have not had a cigarette since working with Sharon ... I am a non-smoker ... no side effects ... can be in the presence of smoking ... I am a true believer in the solutions that Sharon delivers ..." Kathy Vaughn

“I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary of quitting smoking, and subsequently, drinking alcohol ... She dared me to change and stuck with me while I fought the process ... " Cara Mosdale

If you’re even thinking about quitting a bad habit, let’s talk. You don’t have to be 100% ready. 

🌐Book Your Free Discovery Call To Find Out How Hypnosis Can Help You

Or if you're ready for deep change and deep savings take advantage of this month's special

Mastery of Joy package  perfect for releasing bad habits. 

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."


P.S. Enjoy free resources to help you quit. I’ve started creating Subliminal Hypnosis recordings! I just released one to help you get ready to get ready and break free from bad habits—along with an interview diving deeper into how hypnosis works and how it can help you overcome unwanted habits.


An interview dispelling hypnosis myths and going deeper into how hypnosis works especially for bad habits and addictions. 

Mental Shifts Can Shift Bad Habits

A subliminal recording to help you get ready to get ready—whether you want to quit smoking or change another bad habit

Break Free from Bad Habits | Subliminal Hypnosis For Deep Release


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America