"Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
Set your intent to feel good and exercise your free will to choose thoughts that line you up with that intent. If you start to feel an emotion like worried or confused, ask yourself Do I want to feel worried or feel optimistic? Do I want to feel confused or clear-minded?
Then redirect your thoughts as able. It is so worth it for the better feelings you'll experience and the positive results you'll get of life going better for you."
The Joy Energy

Just by remembering my goal to feel good no matter what, I stay the course more often.
By reminding myself that's my intent, I more often take the time to redirect my thoughts to ones that feel good.
When I start to get grumbly about my husband I might ask myself Do I want to look for fault or feel appreciation?
Of course, I want to feel appreciation. It feels so good. And I remind myself feeling good makes my life work better. Plus, by redirecting to appreciation I am showing up for my grumbling thoughts and giving them the soothing and relief they're calling for.
When I get clear I want to feel good, my strong intent overrides my need to be right or any stubbornness I have toward old ways of thinking that have brought me past misery.
Instead of feeling like my spouse is my enemy, which I don't want, by appreciating him, I know he is on my team.
This way of thinking fosters a more harmonious environment between the two of us. And we both get more of what we want. A win-win.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."
Latest Joyshot - Take 12-minutes of your day to Feel Good and Get More Of What You Want

Want to understand more about hypnosis? Check out my series- What Hypnosis Is And What Hypnosis Isn't As Told From The Perspective Of A Hypnotist

Let Me Customize A Mastery Of Joy Package Just For You! One that fits your time availability, budget, and goals

"... the behaviors I judged myself about are releasing too, like eating junk food, mindlessly watching TV, or procrastinating on projects, or putting things off that were hanging over me.
I am doing things instead that feel good, like organizing my kitchen cabinets, taking a sculpture class that I am totally loving, exploring my city, going on joyful adventures with my son, taking a mini- vacation with my husband...
I have more energy now doing what really feels good. I am experiencing more and more joy in my life.
Relationships feel even better. More often, I don’t give my power away to others, but feel free to follow my inner guidance and do what feels right to me.
And more often, I feel more loved and beautiful, regardless of others' opinions... " Lynda Modaff, LA, CA

We can meet once a month, twice a month, or weekly.
Consistency is key to creating positive transformation!
We can meet for 30, 45, 60, 90, or 120-minute sessions.
Let's design a package that supports you, given your time availability, budget, and goals
"... Wow, I need to thank you for EVERYTHING..! This week has been the BEST week ever ... I haven’t cried or given much thought to my ex. …Life has put a smile on my face and I am so grateful for EVERYTHING... Thank You” for helping my life move forward. I can’t help but brag about you all the time. THANK YOU..!!!!! … "
Cortney Neilsen
Boise, ID

- Packages give you way more value for your money than individual sessions, Mastery of Joy Package clients get bonuses, like free attendance to Master Classes, Courses, and my Membership
- When you commit to the process I can give you more support and we can build on your successes, speeding up your transformations
- Packages allow us to be more johnny on the spot. We can address issues as they crop up, so things don't escalate out of control, and we take advantage of the opportunities that arise while it's hot and ripe for change
Packages allow us to dive in way deeper and holistically address the issues, improving many other areas in your life, and pulling up the roots, so one bad habit isn't replaced with another
“I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary of quitting smoking, and subsequently, drinking alcohol. As I look back, I can see the changes in my life since I first decided to see what Svenson Hypnosis had to offer, smoking cessation only being the tip of the iceberg. One of the most powerful tools Sharon gave me in our hypnosis sessions was the process of changing my story to change my life. When I would tell the story of my life, it was from a victim’s perspective and that is a negative place to be. She dared me to change and stuck with me while I fought the process. She dared me to say, ‘what if?’ The ‘what if’ has turned in to a Master Degree and a teaching job working with middle school students. I know my positive expectations and perspective rubs off on my students and continues to spread Sharon’s message along with a few Sharonisms I use regularly. Every corner of my life has been improved and keeps getting better … life is a journey and we are never done.”
Cara Mosdale
Let's Get You Going And Design The Package That's Right For You!
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