Latest Joyshop Is it really better to give than receive?
A few simple Habits to get happier
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Universe/God wants your wellbeing and happiness. But don't expect others to be psychic, or more supportive of you than you are to yourself. Be willing to ask and then receive."
The Joy Energy

I've wanted others to just know what I need or want and offer it up. I used to think that meant they cared. And sometimes that does happen. And it is delightful.
But I get way more of what I want when I just ask.
Like asking my husband to help me out, instead of assuming he doesn't value me because he didn't intuit my need or desire, and then nursing hurt feelings about it.
Often when I ask, he says yes. Sometimes not right away. Sometimes not always gracefully. And sometimes he is eager to help. But I understand now, that I don't need to make any of it a litmus test for whether he cares or loves me. His answer can depend on his mood, his energy levels, and what is going on. Sometimes he has a bad back and helping me lift something doesn't make sense. Or sometimes he has things on his list that should take priority over what I want to have done. Often, I can wait or figure out another way to make it happen.
And, I notice, that he asks more often when he needs help. Yay. And if I'm able to, I'm glad to support him. We're a team. But I also love knowing I can say no, if I have other priorities, or if getting some one else to help him out makes more sense.
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Check out my free video series on YouTube, Joyshot, short videos to nurture your positive mindset.
Listen to the latest Joyshop Is it really better to give than receive?
Or listen to a 15-minute interview of me by Julie Mann where I share a few simple Habits to get happier
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Photo by Kari Greer @
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