Last Day to sign-up for Joyful Abundance Course, cart closes tonight @ 11:59 pm MT A comprehensive foundational mindset course to GET HAPPIER

This Week's Joyshot- Don't Take Life So Seriously, if you have challenges you need relief and lightness even more. 8 minute
Latest Master Class Replay- Be more playful, don't take life so seriously 60-minutes, plus in the last 15 minutes I tell details on my Joyful Abundance Course
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Even if you have challenges or serious issues in your life, allow yourself to be more playful in your now moments. Not only will it feel good but it will work out better for you, and bring out your best."
The Joy Energy

In the last months when my dad's health was failing and he was dying we laughed a lot in our phone conversations. I'm so thankful that instead of getting so serious we got to have those playful times together. And I know it gave him a lot of relief and fun.
The beautiful deal is when we allow ourselves to be more playful and not take things so seriously even if it is serious, we get the huge gift of enjoying life.
And when we feel playful and light we are more creative, make better decisions, our immune systems work better, and we tap into the best of who we are.
Listen to this week's Joyshot, 8 minutes and Master Class- 60 minutes- To get more playful and light, enjoy life more, and have life go better for you.
And if you're interested in joining my Joyful Abundance Course, I give the details at the end of the Master Class.
And congratulations to Krystle Chanel, she won 6 Weeks Joyful Abundance Course

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
6-Week Joyful Abundance Course
It won't be offered again until next year
Last Day to sign-up for Joyful Abundance Course
cart closes at 11:59 pm MT tonight

A comprehensive foundational mindset course to GET HAPPIER
and as a result, accomplish more goals, manifest more dreams, be resilient and thrive
This 6-Week Course goes beyond your typical Mindset or Law of Attraction course.
You'll get proven tools to develop a resilient thriving mindset.
Overcome stress, overwhelm, procrastination, doubt, guilt, money fears, feeling alone, unsafe, not enough, unsupported, unloved, and any negative patterns of thought that stop you from living your best life
" ... How do you let go?", "I'd been told you have to let go, get rid of the past,... change your mindset, [but] how do you let go? I'd figured out the root cause of a major issue was money but I didn't know how to let go... [and] I had daddy issues, ... until I listened to [your Let Go] ... recording..."
Francine Juhlin
In the Joyful Abundance Course, Francine, was retiring, unsure of what was next, and what to do, and was facing different challenges.
In the course, she let go of a bunch of mental junk she felt had held her back, found her clarity and direction, improved her relationship with her husband, and is now building a business and writing a book and doing other fun things.