This Week's Joyshot- Turn your breath into a simple tool to get centered, access your inner guidance, and act on it
Upcoming Online 6- Week Joyful Abundance Course
Hello, Beautiful Sharon,
"Listen to your inner guidance and act on it. You'll be a better friend to yourself and others."
The Joy Energy

My mom was having a stroke, but my stepdad didn't take her to the hospital. She weakly insisted she was fine.
However, it was obvious she wasn't fine. She could barely form words, was extremely pale and said she had a horrible headache.
But my stepdad didn't insist she should get help, he didn't want her angry with him. She had gotten very mad at him in the past when he had tried to step in and help. She had trained him to leave her alone or it wouldn't go well for him. So he watched, helpless.
Meanwhile, the injury to her brain was well underway.
The resulting damage scrambled her speech and left her unable to read a clock or tie her shoes.
But I understand why my mom said she was fine that day. She had been raised to believe receiving help was a sign of neediness and weakness.
Fortunately, my sister called while the stroke was underway, and when she heard of my Mom's symptoms, she recognized something was seriously wrong and insisted my stepdad take her to the hospital.
My mom relented under the certainty of my sister's wisdom and did go to the hospital.
I've been offered help and said no, even though I would have loved the help, clearly needed it, and or it would have made my life a lot easier. After all, I am my mother's daughter. But I understand I don't have to stay locked in those patterns.
As I continue to let go of my limiting ideas and beliefs about receiving support and acting on my wisdom I find I am a better friend to myself and better support to others.
On another occasion I came a crossed a frail fellow who had fallen on the ice and lay prone in the middle of the road. When I asked if I could help he said no he was fine.
But clearly, he wasn't fine, he didn't have the strength to get up on his own, and he was in danger of getting hit by a car.
My wisdom was clear, I was going to help him to safety. I told him, I'm going to help you anyway. I lifted him up and led him safely off the road.
He seemed embarrassed at first but then grateful to be off the street. It felt good to act on my wisdom and not be misled by his words.
I'm guessing, like my mom, this fallen fellow had been raised to say no to help, but that didn't mean he didn't want it.
"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment.".
Want support following your inner guidance and allowing in support? Listen to this week's Joyshop

This Week's Joyshot- Turn your breath into a simple tool to get centered, access your inner guidance, and act on it
Upcoming Online 6- Week Joyful Abundance Course

Put the foundational pieces in place to get happier and improve all areas of your life.
Listen to Francine's successes
She had money and daddy issues and knew she needed to let go but didn't know how. Francine shares that the Foundational Hypnosis recordings and
weekly Joyshops in the Course were key in her release and the positive changes that followed.
What is covered in this 6-Week Course
- In weeks 1 and 2 the focus is on releasing past mental junk
and soaking up key foundational principles so you can improve every area of your life
- In weeks 3 and 4 the focus is on mindfully living in the present,
and enjoying the journey along the way.
- In weeks 5 and 6 the focus is on creating an abundant joyful
future with new desired realities
Listen to some of Joanne's successes
Joanne has taken the Joyful Abundance Course three times, and keeps getting bigger and bigger results.
She got out of major debt, started to put herself out there big time for her business, got money and help in really big ways to grow her business, from getting private coaching and VA help, and training gifted to her, along with several unexpected large substantial cash infusions.