Hello, Beautiful Sharon,

"It is already done. A Benevolent God/Generous and Loving Universe already has it figured out and your good is manifested in energy. Your part? Choose the softest lightest best feeling thoughts you can find in the now moment so you can let your wellbeing flow."
The Joy Energy

I still have deep dark times when I focus on some part of my reality that I want to be different.

In my moment of despair, it can seem like I am so far away from what I desire and that it is all hopeless.

But these days I catch myself a lot quicker by looking for those softer lighter thoughts way sooner, sometimes I can turn things around within seconds or minutes, sometimes it can take hours or days.

I start turning things around by reminding myself

-  I want to feel good. Feeling good works better. Feeling good opens me up to receive

-  these negative feelings are temporary. They are just the result of me focusing in a fearful way.

-  turning around my negative thinking is so worth the effort, not only because it will feel better, yay, but it will open me up to receive more of what I want

-  God/Source/Spirit already has my answers, things figured out, and the energy of what I want, manifested

-  my part is to look for the softest lightest thoughts I can find

-  soft lighter thoughts open up my channel of wellbeing to receive

- the only reason I feel so bad is that it is so opposite from the bigger truth, that the Benevolent God/ Generous Loving Universe is there for me, and that it is an Abundant Unconditional Universe that is bigger than any problems, worries, or concerns I have

"There is no greater gift than feeling good in the now moment."

March Spring Joyfulness 
20 percent off Mastery of Joy Package

 svensonhypnosis@gmail.com Email to set up a time to chat about how I can support you.

The Joy Space
- Free Private FB group to nurture your positive mindset. New Joyshots- short inoculations of love, either a meditation or self-hypnosis tutorial posted every week.

SvensonHypnosis YouTube Channel  enjoy free hypnosis meditations, Joy shots, and Joyshops and  testimonials


Sharon Svenson
Svenson Hypnosis
509 MiddleFork Rd
Garden Valley Idaho 83622
United States of America