-Free Meditation-You are loved, you are seen -3 Tips to Loving Yourself -Details on the Free online Workshop to learn self-hypnosis -New Online Group for Entrepreneurs for mindset success
Happy Valentines Day
My gift to you, free meditation
You are loved, you are seen 21 minutes
3 Tips to Loving Yourself by Sharon Svenson
Loving yourself is so much easier than being dependent on others to say or do the right thing.
Rather than having your happiness be conditional on what someone in your life does or doesn't do, says or doesn't say, tap into the love direct.
Of course, soak up the love that others give, but know love is there whether you have a significant other or not in your life.
Below are 3 tips I've shared with clients and personally used to feel the love.
3 Tips for Loving Yourself
What we love we take care of. From a place of self-love, we feel inspired to say "yes" to what nurtures us and "no" to what doesn't.
If you’re beating up on yourself and coming from a self-negating place, chances are you find yourself procrastinating, self-sabotaging and feeling uninspired to follow through with positive actions.
Instead of focusing on what you dislike about yourself, go to a positive place, and build from there.
I sometimes berate myself for being disorganized with taxes. When I'm at my best, I switch gears quickly and focus on an opposite thought like thoughts of feeling 'competent.'
Maybe I'll think about how competent and clear I feel in sessions with clients. Then remind myself that it's "OK" I'm still learning and growing. From this lighter perspective, I remember I am getting more organized and every year things run more smoothly.
I leave behind the feelings of "what's the use even trying?", and feel more inspired to continue to move forward and do things in more efficient ways.
Look through the eyes of a loved one
When I have temporary thoughts of feeling unattractive or unloved, I’ll search for other thoughts that make me feel beautiful and loved instead. For instance, I might remember a moment my granddaughter looked at me with total love and appreciation, and then have fun seeing myself through her eyes instead. The result, I feel adored and beautiful.
Use your imagination to feel good
Years ago I started up at the gym but was at first embarrassed thinking how others might judge me. Instead of worrying what others thought, something I have no control over, I decided to imagine the way I wanted to look. I imagined myself as I looked in my 20’s, this evoked feelings of slim and youthful. It took me to a feel-good place and inspired me to work out. Many years later I’m still a faithful gym member, and keep moving to a healthier and more joyful life.
Coming from a place of self-love paves the way for better choices that truly serve you long-term.
Free Online Event coming up to stay positively focused
Free Online WorkshopLearn Self-Hypnosis -Stay positively focused despite the challenges and messiness of life
Thursday, February 28th, 2019
9 am Pacific Time, 10 am Mountain Time,
11 am Central Time, 12 pm EST, 7 pm London Time
Click Here For More Details
Master Mind Online Group -Live My Dreams
Foundational Mindset Success for Coaches, Healers, & Entrepreneurs To stay positively focused, connect with Source, and embrace the foundational mindset that allows you to thrive and prosper
To learn more, schedule a 15-minute Chat by emailing svensonhypnosis@gmail.com
Get a free session or sessions as a bonus if you sign-up by February 28th
Carol Williams, Productivity Efficiency Expert interviews Sharon, about the Mastermind Group. 18-minutes
Click Here to Learn More
